
This is PAXmommy Jillian’s “I’m holding a baby face!!!”
The babyfever is strong over here!!! Who are we kidding, does it ever go away???

There is nothing like the anticipation of a baby. Waiting all of those months to meet that little person that YOU created, nurtured and grew inside of you for nine months. Waiting to feel their sweet breath on your cheek. Waiting to see who they resemble, how much they will weigh, what color hair they will have… And then all of a sudden… they are HERE… EARTH-side. Their birth is a story all of its own, but just that immediate feeling of reaching down and pulling their naked little bodies up onto your chest, and thinking HOW, HOW did you fit inside me!??! The surge of emotions. Their first cry. Their first latch. Their first snuggles. The minutes that follow, the hours, the days. Having a newborn is a lot of work, YES. But, oh how it is worth it isn’t it??? Can we somehow figure out a way to just pause those few days of bliss. Of falling in love with a perfect little squish. Ahhh….


*happy babywearing*



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