In celebration of Earth Day 2014, is proud to announce that we have been working with our manufacturers to make our product manuals available online!  Just think of it!  You’re out and about sharing your new wrapping skills with a friend and you can’t quite remember that last maneuver.   You’ve got your link to our manuals page saved on your phone (or better yet, you’ve downloaded the pdf!!).   You’re good to go!!

Not only will it be easier for you to have that manual in digital form, it will be easier for us too.  Our shipping department will be faster and more efficient!  And we’ll be able to keep all the unwanted manuals from being tossed in a landfill!!

It’s still a work in progress as we wait on several of our manufacturers, but we’re off to a good start with the manuals for:


Natibaby (Cross Carry instructions only)

BB Slen

BB Tai

As we get more manuals in pdf format, you know where they’ll be!!  Right here!!!

When you purchase a carrier from PAXbaby made by one of the manufacturers listed on the page, you will be given 2 choices at checkout: you may select to have a hardcopy shipped to you, or, if you prefer, choose to use the digital version! Pretty cool!

Thanks for going green with us!


*happy babywearing*

Don't Miss a Thing!