Today we are sharing an amazing story… One of our PAXmommies had the pleasure of hosting this beautiful wrap for two weeks, and brought it to a PAXbaby Playdate where many moms all got to snuggle and love up on it before it was sent on it’s merry way.  PAXmommy Jillian and #babycate were #7 to try it.

1,000 Cranes of Love Around the World.

**taken from the about section on the FB group**

The Background:

I have a very dear friend who is in one of the longest struggles of infertility I have personally witnessed. Every step of the process has seemed to be filled with more obstacles than anyone ever should endure. When she was about 3 years into her struggle, my husband and I made her 1000 cranes in order to help her wish come true (Japanese tradition). When I saw the Artipoppe origami “folded” wraps this winter, I immediately thought that a 1000 cranes wrap is what she needs! I PM’d Anna (owner of Artipoppe) and she said she was planning to release several this year. I put up an ISO immediately asking for mamas help in getting this wrap. They were released on 2/19/2014 and within a couple of hours, a mama offered me the one she had been so lucky to score! It’s 1000 Cranes Dawn.


The Plan:

The plan is to make this gift extra special by having it travel through many lovely mamas (hopefully at least a 1000 babies) who will give it magic mama and baby love. Then I will give it to her when she is ready to receive it (probably not until she is firmly through 1st trimester or later). A journal will travel with the wrap (please see Journal instructions doc). Anyone who wants to send other mementos can send them directly to Anna Meyer ( PM me for my address). If you have other ideas, please also PM us (admins are myself and my SIL Sally Soliman). I want to try to include each and every one of you who have expressed interest. Logistically, we will have a wrap caretaker in each location who will arrange ways for many mamas in the community to participate.


Does this sound like something you would be into?

What an amazing opportunity to help spread the babywearing love, and show someone exactly what the babywearing community is made of!!!!!

Here’s the link to the group for any mamas who want to try to participate:


*happy babywearing*


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