This small amount of milk can make all the difference for a baby whose mother cannot exclusively breastfeed.

If you have an oversupply or are holding on to a “freezer stash”, please consider donating!

When PAXmommy Brianna fell seriously ill and required emergency breast surgery in June, her Baby #2 continued to be fed exclusively on breast milk thanks to generous donors!!!

PAXmommy Brianna:
I can’t even begin to express my gratitude for the mothers who have been pumping for us and who have directly nursed my baby these past 2 months during my illness, surgery, and recovery. The photo above shows the amount of donated milk my daughter is currently drinking in about 3 days, and each time I open the freezer and thaw a bag, my heart swells. It’s truly an amazing gift.

If you have milk to offer, or are in need of donated milk, these community milk sharing organizations help connect mothers (safely) :

Breast milk is considered liquid gold, and to those mamas relying on milk donations , every drop really does seem like gold.

Some mamas struggle so much, while others seem to be blessed with an overabundance. Please consider opening your heart, and freezer to help other mamas in need.

*happy milk sharing AND babywearing*

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