When you aren’t tall enough to see over the railings, why go to the zoo?  Because Mommy will carry you, and you will have a great view!

It’s amazing how many babies and toddlers I saw at the San Diego Zoo last week being pushed in strollers!  Those poor little ones couldn’t see anything interesting!  Only the backs of adults’ knees and maybe a glimpse of pretty foliage as they were wheeled around the park…  My “favorite” was a dad who we happened to pass several times, picking up his son from his stroller, pointing out an animal, and then plunking him back down again in his seat!  Over and over and over! That daddy’s back must have hurt the next day!

PAXbaby babywearing zoo custom Gemini BecoP

I wore my favorite Beco Gemini in Dylan – customized by PAXbaby’s own Pimp my Carrier, with the waistband below the baby belly in front!  Pregnant babywearing isn’t comfortable (or safe) for all babywearers, so please check with your doctor or midwife to make sure it’s OK for you!

*happy babywearing*

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