Babywearing is an International phenomenon with dedicated babywearers in far away countries and leading very different lives from my own! I don’t have a lot of experience with traveling to foreign countries, but I do know that in many other cultures, babywearing is more naturally accepted than here in the States, and in some countries, carrying your baby in a sling is looked down upon! I was surprised last Fall when we traveled to New Zealand and found that babywearing was “just catching on” there! Australia has a bigger following, but I would love to know where babywearing is most common!
I loved these photos of the world’s longest sling in Hungary!!!! Isn’t this a fun idea!!!??!!!!!
Babywearing in Asian countries is quite prevalent, and a fun fact about Chinese babywearing is that the word “babywearing” transalted to Chinese and back again to English becomes “baby horseback!” Yeeehaw!!!
I have spent hours watching this slide show and oohing and aahing over the gorgeous pictures and traditional carriers shown! Beautiful photography & inspiring babywearing makes me want to travel to far away lands with a camera to capture some of this beauty myself!
Please add yourself to this babywearing map so we can see where we all are hiding!!! Zoom out to see the whole map and then click on the “Additions” tab at the top left and “Add Marker”. Can’t wait to see you on our babywearing map! Feel free to share this link so your BWing friends can jump in too! Do you see me waving from the beach in Southern California??
*happy babywearing*
Huntington Beach Ca
Too fun!
Fleet, Hampshire, Great Britain.