Babywearing 101 Crashcourse

Learn about what to wear, when to wear, where to wear, tips & safety and more!

Welcome to the wonderful world of babywearing! It can be confusing to choose a baby carrier with so many options to learn about, but with a little guidance and a friendly smile from your favorite PAXmoms, you will be able to carry your baby in comfort and joy! Don’t wait to reap the rewards of babywearing; there are so many positive benefits! We are here to help, and help we will! From finding the perfect carrier for your new baby to troubleshooting a carrier you already own to branching out to something new and different, can do it all, and we are happy to share! Email us directly at, fill out the form below with your basic contact information, or take it a step further and fill out our baby carrier prescription here! You will receive a helpful email with suggestions, tips and hopefully an easy solution to your babywearing questions! The PAXmoms look forward to hearing from you and being able to help you and your baby have success!



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Babywearing Safety & Tips

Keep Calm … PAXmommy Mel is a week away from her "due date" with Baby #4, and has been receiving daily babywatch texts for the last two weeks already. How do you deal with the constant questioning??? Do you deactivate from Facebook until baby arrives? Or...

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How Babywearing Saved ME How Babywearing Saved Me by: PAXmommy Mel I always knew I would babywear, my mom wore me, my aunts wore my cousins... it just made sense. I wore my first in a homemade ring sling (and then later in a Babyhawk), and fell in love. He was such an amazing...

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Seven months of #babycate How have the last 7 months gone by SO quickly?? Isn't it funny that with the first baby time seems to go by SO slowly, but with each subsequent baby time seems to go at warp speed!?!? WE LOVE YOU #babycate!! paxbaby *happy babywearing*...

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